go through the fire

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Stickers - the greatest gift

A couple of weeks ago, I had this last English class with my 1st graders before the summer break (this was at Watari Elementary school - the biggest school I teach at). I don't completely understand why, but the teachers decided to have me teach all three of the 1st grade classes together. Usually I don't like combining over 75 first graders together, but since the teachers are actively a part of the class and we were going to have it in the gym, I gave the thumbs up. So we spent the whole hour reviewing the English they had learned during the semester with games. Of course, we all had a complete blast (maybe I enjoyed it more than them!). I especially enjoyed watching them enjoy colors. We made up this very simple game where I would shout out a color and the students who were wearing that color would get up, run to the other side of the gym as fast as they could, and sit down. They loved it and so did I. I think that I ran with them every time even though I only had on about three different colors. I don't know why, but I especially loved it when they came to me (every single one of them) and pointed out I had said the color on their clothes.
And of course, since it was the last class, I gave them a sticker as a departing present. Tons of thanks to a great friend for sending me a whole bunch of stickers for my birthday. As you can see, the students LOVED them. The joy on their faces when they received those stickers made me so happy. It is amazing the power of a sticker. The younger they are, the more they love them. Of course, I have some six graders who full on beg me for stickers. So if anybody had any extra stickers floating around (prefferably with English on it), send it my way. It is a very inexpensive way to make some Japanese student's days.


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