go through the fire

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Beat this blunder!

You’ll never guess what I did last night! Before I went to bed, I was going to hang the clothes that I had just washed earlier that evening. But when I opened the lid to my washing machine, I noticed a strange smell coming from it that I have never smelled coming from a washing machine before. I thought, “This doesn’t smell like freshly laundered clothes. It smells like…..” And as I investigated by taking out some of the clothes, my eyes immediately confirmed what I thought I couldn’t possibly be smelling: CHOCOLATE! I had washed two bars of Meiji chocolate with a full load of clothes! I laughed hysterically as I looked at the pieces of chocolate scattered throughout the washing machine and all over my clothes. And I laughed even harder when I pulled out the clothes and they smelled heavily of chocolate. I thought, “Well, instead of scratch and sniff stickers, I’ve got scratch and sniff pants and shirts.”
Perhaps what made it so funny to me at the moment were the events leading up to this scrumptious discovery. The night before, we had a bonfire devotional/Bible study on the bank of a river just outside of Mito City. It was quite enjoyable, especially since we made S’mores (the ingredients of which aren’t so easy or cheap to come by in Japan). At the end of the night, there were a lot of chocolate bars left over, and being the chocolate lover that I am, I bought two of them at the bargain price of 100 yen each. I stuck them in the pocket of the my huge fleece jacket, and when I came home, I immediately put all of the clothes I was wearing into the dirty clothes basket because they stunk like smoke and needed a good washing. Somehow, I completely forgot that the chocolate bars were in the jacket pocket.
The next day when I came home from work, I was craving chocolate really bad (which isn’t unusual). I remembered those chocolate bars and started looking for them everywhere. I thought I had put them in the fridge, which is the first place I put any chocolate that I keep for more than one day (which is rare), but they weren’t there. I looked in my car, all over my little apartment and even thought in my head “Travis stole my chocolate because he thought it would be funny.” (He has done it to me before and I had taken him home after the devo, so I thought he saw them and swiped ‘em as a joke.) I eventually gave up my search, considered them lost or stolen, and contented myself with a few precious chocolate chips from my special chocolate chip stash (chocolate chips are really expensive in Japan, so I had bought a whole bunch from the U.S. so that I can make chocolate chip cookies without spending a fortune). After I finished the chocolate chips, I started the load of laundry (somehow not finding the chocolate bars in the jacket pocket) and went to dinner with some friends. You could imagine my surprise when I later opened my washer and thought I smelled chocolate.
So there’s my crazy blooper for the week. Not only am I very sad that I lost two perfectly good chocolate bars to such a horrible fate, but I owe my good friend Travis Powell an apology. Travis, if you are reading this, I’m sorry that I blamed you in my thoughts for stealing my chocolate bars. As for my clothes, I have already washed them a second time and I think that I will have to wash them a third time tonight because they still smell like chocolate. Luckily, they are dark clothes, so there seem to be no stains on them.
Can anyone beat this blunder?


  • At 1:38 PM, Blogger Cary said…

    Hmm... I ran across the collective roof of a row of duplexes and got the cops called on my friends who lived there. Massive apologies had to be issued all around, particularly to the landlord. Doh!


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